East Midland Rugby Union Referee Society
Annual Membership
2023 – 2024
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Your subscription for the 2023-2024 season is due on the 1st September 2023.
Match Officials £25.00
Match Advisors £10.00
Please pay your subs by BACS payment to…
See Documents for Details or contact Gary Malpas (garymalpas@eastmidsrefs.com)
Please, DO NOT pay via the GMS system, your money will not get to us.
When you have paid, please send Gary Malpas a quick email to say that you have done so. This will make it easier to check that your payment is received.
Once Gary has confirmed your payment you will be given access to the EMRURS Documents section of the website.
(Access to old members who do not wish to renew will be withdrawn at the end of September)
Thank you…
On Behalf of Gary Malpas (Treasurer)
30 Jul 2023