Please reply to: Hon. General Secretary
Dr. Chris Rowan,
17, Blethan Drive,
Stukeley Meadows,
PE29 6GN
T: 01480 434959 (H) 01480 383121 (F) 07808 184274 (M)
24th March 2023
Dear Sir or Madam,
In accordance with the Society Constitution I am required to advise you that the 2023 Annual General Meeting of the East Midlands Rugby Union Referees Society will be held at Olney Rugby Football Club, East Street, Olney Buckinghamshire MK46 4DW on the evening of Monday, 17th April 2023 at 19:30hr. prompt. Refreshments will be served immediately prior to the commencement the Meeting. A full participation of Members is requested.
1. Apologies for Absence
2. Opening Remarks
3. Minutes of the 2023 Annual General Meeting (held on 27th April 2022)
4. Matters Arising from the Minutes
5. Sub-Committee Reports
6. Election of Officers for the Season 2023 – 2024
6.1 President
6.2 Society Chair
6.3 General Secretary
6.4 Treasurer
6.5 Development Manager
6.6 Public Relations Manager
6.7 Society Match Official Operations Manager
6.8 Society Auditor.
7. Any Other Business (subject to the consent of the Meeting Chair)
Yours Faithfully,
Chris Rowan
Dr. Chris Rowan
Hon. General Secretary,
East Midlands Rugby Union Referees Society
This Document is also available in the EMRURS Docs section of this website.