On occasion referees are forced into the ultimate sanction and must issue a Red Card for gross foul play or abuse. When this happens the referee (or assistant referee) has a pile of admin to go through.
Firstly, make sure you get the correct name(s) and number(s) of the player(s) involved!
Make quick notes of the incident; time, score, where on the field, the flow of play at the time, who else was involved and the details of what happened or what was said.
When you get back to the changing rooms after the game, go through your notes and make sure you have all the details you need. If not, go and get them. While still in the changing room send a message to the dedicated WhatsApp number 07942 363793.
If in any doubts, send the WhatsApp message immediately and then call either Colin Wright or Chris Rowan when you get home and discuss the matter. It is possibly a good practice to call one of them anyway.
DO NOT discuss the matter with any club officials or players in anything but the most superficial details, explain your decision and move on. Do not allow yourself to the "leant on", if you have issued a card, you must follow through on it.
You have 48 hours to complete the Red Card Form or Match Official Abuse Form. The forms will be made available via Who's The Ref once you have notified the “powers-that-be” that cards have been issued. The report will then be picked up by Chris Rowan, checked and submitted to the relevant Disciplinary Committee. If you need any help completing the forms call Chris. If the form link does not appear on Who’s The Ref, call Chris. If there are any problems with your report, Chris will contact you for clarification.
Once that is done you get to sit back and wait. Here in the East Midland the Committee meets every two weeks to consider all the "business" that has come their way. If the offender disputes the facts, you may be asked to attend the hearing (either in person, on the phone or via a weblink).
Once the hearing is complete the Committee will give their decision. In theory all decisions are published on the EMRU website, but this does not seem to happen. If you wish to know the outcome of a sending-off, you should send Chris an email two or three weeks after the event and request information on the outcome.
The Disciplinary requirements of the Society are presented in Appendix 5 of the Societies Policy Document. All members should have read the Policy Document and the aware of the requirements outlined therein. The Policy Document is available in the EMRURS Documents section of this website.
Timothy Wilcox
Revised 1 August 2024