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2024-2025 Members Letter

SEASON 2024-2025

The time has now come for me to write to you to inform you of this coming Season’s administrative arrangements.

1.            It is pleasing to note that a small number of new members joined the Society last Season and we extend a warm welcome to you all.

2.            Your contact (telephone) details will be published in EMRU documentation so please check all of the information held on WTR to ensure that these data are up to date.

3.            Please note that, the Society Policy Document and Society Protocol  contain a wealth of information and instructions for Match Officials.  If, having first read these documents you have any comments or queries please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned.

4.            From the commencement of Season 2024-25 completion of certain applicable courses is now a Full Society Membership requirement. These are:

(i) the latest RFU Headcase Protocols (refer: and completion of the Concussion Awareness Training Module (refer: the RFU Safeguarding Module (refer: and (iii) the World Rugby Laws Exam (refer: the case of the RFU Courses completion of these will be logged in your GMS Portal. For the World Rugby Laws Exam can you please email a PDF of your Certificate to Chris Rowan for collation.

5.            Only those Referees holding current DBS certification can be appointed to Age Grade Matches. Those Referees wishing to be eligible for selection to Age Grade Matches (Clubs and Schools) should complete the process; document verifications should be completed either through the auspices of your local Club or at the Society Conference on 10th August 2024 or the Open Meeting on  16th September 2024.

6.            Fitness testing (Bronco Test) will be offered at the August Conference and September Society Open meetings. All active referees are expected to participate.


7.            For our younger Referees, we will appoint you to matches appropriate to your grading and experience; we are also aware that if you have not reached the age of majority you are classed as a minor and as such Clubs need to confirm what segregated changing (and showering) facilities will be made available to you, if this is not made clear when the appointment is confirmed please ask the Club for details, if you encounter any issues please advise Nigel Boot-Handford immediately.

8.            For our growing number of Lady Referees, the same considerations outlined above should be applied by Clubs regarding segregation of changing facilities.

9.            When we appoint both male and female and/or adult and junior Referees to officiate at a club on the same day please ensure that you as Referees are aware of the situation and actions that the Club needs to take, and that if segregated Referee changing facilities are available that you agree how they will be utilised.

10.    For youth matches the situation is reversed. Adult Referees MUST NOT change or shower with minors. Clubs should advise how they will apply their Safeguarding policies and what changing and showering facilities will (or indeed will not) be available on the match day. You may need to travel changed and shower at home post-match. In addition, only those Referees holding DBS accreditation can be appointed to Age Grade Matches.

11.    For Junior Referees officiating at Junior matches, Clubs have been advised that adult coaches etc. MUST NOT share changing rooms being used by Junior Referees.When making appointments we will bear in mind our knowledge of the current facilities present at each host venue, however with limited numbers of Referees to cover the demand for matches, host club facilities may not always be the prime consideration when making appointments.You should note that the use of “Respect” barriers is now mandatory for all Junior Matches in the East Midlands where a permanent barrier is not extant. Please advise the Society Secretary of any shortcomings in this regard.

12.         Please note that, in the case of Society Appointments, Referees may only officiate up to the level of matches to which they have been appointed. Last-minute changes may only be made with the approval of one of the Society’s Appointments Team. For example, if you arrive as appointed to the 3rd XV match you should not officiate the U18 match without first checking.

13.         Please note the telephone number for Re-appointments (07809 132980). Chris Rowan is the Re-appointments Secretary, email: There is also a WhatsApp number (07942 363793) for reporting of any untoward events that may be encountered when appointed to matches.

14.         You should refer to the Policy Document and/or for further information about Appointments, the AGM, Society Open Meetings (SOM), Executive & Grading Meetings, training courses and events, travel expense claims and disciplinary reporting.

15.         It is hoped that the EMRU Handbooks will be available in advance of the Season 2024 – 25 due to the printing regime. The link for downloading the document will be made available sometime in August.Law Books are available for download from the World Rugby website (follow this link:

16.         We will again be working in the Central Federation with our colleagues in Cambridge & District and Warwickshire Referees’ Societies. We will have a limited programme of exchanges with other local Referee societies, for referees who aspire to move to Levels 7 and 6, developmental exchanges will be handled under the auspices of the Central Federation. We will exchange at Levels 6,7,8,9, with our local societies; such exchanges may not always have an appointed developer. We will endeavour to appoint to exchange matches at least four weeks in advance so that you have sufficient time to prepare.

The FREEPOST Club Report Card system has been discontinued. For season 2024-2025 we will continue to use of the WhosTheRef Captains Feedback Cards. Further information and instructions will be issued in due course.

17.         The Executive have agreed to maintain the expenses rate at 41 pence per mile. All claims should be completed bi-monthly (ie every 2 months) via WhosTheRef; you will first need to complete the Gordon Bell questionnaire before the expense element is released. The questions posed on the Gordon Bell Questionnaire will be updated for season 2024-2025. They may be paid via BACS if you send your bank details to the Assistant Treasurer, Ron Gore (email: would help in the Society Administration if claims are submitted every 2 months or whenever the claim form is completed, whichever occurs first.  

18.         The Annual Subscription is £25 by 30th September 2024 payable either by Bank Transfer or remittance to “EMRURS” c/o Gary Malpas, Treasurer EMRURS, Valley View, 1 Main Street, Bringhurst, Market Harborough, Leicestershire LE16 8RJ.

May I wish you a pleasant meteorological summer and trust that we shall welcome you back for another Season to enjoy your Refereeing with our Society. A somewhat short Close Season, but I am sure you will support the arrangements and programmes that have been made on your behalf.

Dr. Chris Rowan

Honorary General Secretary

1st August 2024

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